

Good news everyone, good news! I was accepted at the University of Padjajaran, Bandung, which is my dream university. I was super happy when I knew that. After all of the shitty homeworks, exams, tough teachers, late night studies, very competitive friends, and everything I've been through in high school, it finally payed off. I know that university life is worse and more tiring, yet I just wanna enjoy this phase of my life.

Ps: I have a bunch of pics from my school's prom last sunday, try to figure out how to post it hereeee.

6 komentar:

  1. I'm happy for you Bul!!!
    Bangga banget gueeeee. Sukses yaa!

    1. Terimakasihhh cici alira paling gaul swasta-negeri pulang-pergi!!!! Suksesss juga lu yaa!

  2. Congrats and welcome to the jungle XD
